A breath of sunshine

Today was a good day.

So we’ve been a committee for a few weeks, and there have been so many ideas thrown about, we are definitely not at a dearth of big plans for the coming year. One of them is to hold loads more lunchtime stuff, today being the first.

Admittedly, I wasn’t the most optimistic, we didn’t print off nearly enough flyers, I didn’t really do a great job when It came to inviting friends myself, the projector failed, the camera wouldn’t pick up the sound, and by five past one, the seats were pretty empty. What would the speaker we invited in think of such a poor turnout? How would this affect how we looked as a committee? What were we going to do with all this food?!

However, a couple of minutes later, loads of people came steaming through the doors, many of whom I’d never seen before, a surprising number of whom I had but never thought would come! It turned out to be one of the best lunchbars we’ve ever ran as a CU, not only was the talk fantastically structured, but people were so keen to ask questions and the feedback was wonderful! This lady came and took home her first bible, so keen to be able to look at the claims of Christianity herself rather than just relying on what other people said, and people asking for more!

It was great seeing what God can do, even though we continue to fail him, his power is made perfect in our weaknesses 2 Cor 12:9

